From "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED ASTRAY", the Gundam Astray Gold Frame Amatsu is now commercialized as part of the RG series.
The aircraft shape that has been passed down from the "Gold Frame" to the "Gold Frame Amatsu Mina" is thoroughly reproduced in a Real Grade arrangement!
The unfinished heaven can also be recreated!!
Reproduces the distinctive shape and armament of the Gold Frame Ten!
Based on RG's unique research, the Gold Frame Ten has been recreated in 3D, recreating its distinctive shape that differs from Ten Mina.
Weapons such as Triceros Custom, Magno Ikutachi, and Magano Shirahoko are included.
The giant weapon on the back, Maganoikutachi, is equipped with a deployment and telescopic mechanism. The Magashiranohoko launch gimmick is also reproduced.
The first kit of the 'unfinished' state! Parts of the fuselage shape and Triceros are reproduced with new molding based on RG standards!
The side of the head, left shoulder, left thigh, etc. are recreated in an "unfinished" state that differs from Ten's normal state.
The pre-refurbishment 'Trikeros' is reproduced with new, detailed molding.
A beam saber blade can be attached to the tip.
The weapon recovered along with the Blitz Gundam's right arm. Equipped in an 'unfinished' state.
In Ten and later models, the aircraft was modified and named 'Trikeros Kai'.
*The 'unfinished' state can be recreated by selecting parts.
Comes with a wide variety of wrist parts
Includes new dedicated marking stickers and a realistic decal with the same design as Amatsumina.
Attached weapons: Triceros Custom / Triceros / Magno Ikutachi / Magano Shirahoko