From "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED MSV", the long-awaited Sword Calamity Gundam is now three-dimensional with FULL MECHANICS!
Part of the exterior and special equipment of Sword Calamity, which specializes in combat, is reproduced with new modeling!
Thoroughly reproduce Sword Calamity Gundam with FULL MECHANICS!
Based on Calamity Gundam, the shoulders, wrists, shins, and backpack joints are reproduced with new parts!
New parts have been introduced for the wrist to improve color coding accuracy.
The joint that suspends the anti-ship sword in the backpack can be angled in various directions on multiple axes.
Many special weapons are included!
Weapons specialized for close combat are reproduced with new modeling!
15.78m anti-ship sword "Schwerdgeber"
Beam effects can be attached to the blade and grip of the huge anti-ship sword that is equipped in the backpack.
A special beam effect that reproduces the state of stacking anti-ship swords is also included, allowing for a variety of poses.
Rocket anchor "Panzer Eisen"
The rocket anchors equipped on both forearms can be expanded by pulling out the claw part.
Reproduce the injection state by using special joint parts and lead wires.
Beam boomerang “Midas Messer”
The beam boomerangs equipped on both shoulders can be attached and detached from the shoulders, and special beam effects can be attached.
Reproduce the throwing state by using the included action base.
Anti-armor combat knife “Armor Schneider”
Both shins are equipped with combat knives with a different design from Strike Gundam.
Deploy the shin armor and attach/detach the knife.
Includes marking stickers to improve detail.
Including the personal mark of "Ed the Ripper", "Edward Harrelson", who was on board this machine.
A marking sticker is included.
Attached weapons: anti-ship sword x 2 / beam boomerang x 2 / rocket anchor x 2 / combat knife x 2
Accessories: Action base 6 x 2